Quips & Anecdotes - Office Cleaning Food

So I don't know how many of you that I've already told but I started a new job two weeks ago. I used to work as an event design assistant at an events company that did mostly Indian weddings. I loved my job and didn't really think about leaving it so soon but I was fortunate enough to get into the running for a new job. After much interviewing, I got it! So now I'm working at an amazing non-profit as a chapter relations manager, and it's fabulous.

I just wanted to share with you that we had our spring/summer cleaning yesterday where we moved furniture around and cleaned out as much as we could, getting rid of unnecessary papers and materials. We really did a lot of work. As a nice reward, our executive director brought in some home-cooked Pakistani food and boy was it delicious. I love basmati rice. I loved how clean and fresh tasting it all was as well as how many flavors collided into a great mouth experience. Our chief financial officer also brought in cupcakes from Sweet Embellishments. I had a pink lemonade one that was pretty decent though there was a tad too much frosting. I'm not a big frosting person. Anyhow, what a productive and fun food-treat day! It'll be my turn soon enough to lavish food upon the others.
