Test Kitchen - Homemade Potato Chips

With a Test Kitchen ingredient from last week being the ornate onion salt from Savory Spice Shop, I had quite a wide range of options to choose from. I mean, onion and salt goes well in almost everything, no? However, one of the points of this series is to get some reader involvement, and that is very well what happened here. The fancy seasoning was used on homemade potato chips, a suggestion made by dear reader Petey. Nice idea! I hope you get to try this recipe out.

Step 1: Ingredients (yields 60-75 chips depending on size)
  • 3 medium-sized potatoes, thinly sliced
  • 2 tbsps grapeseed oil (or favored oil)
  • 2 tsps freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 1/2 tbsp onion salt
  • green onions, chopped (for garnish)

Step 2: Prepping the ingredients
I don't like frying things in a lot of oil which is how some do their homemade potato chips - instead, I baked mine. I also chose to leave the skin on mine because I like my chips that way. Thoroughly scrub the potatoes before very thinly slicing them (mine were nearly transparent). Preheat the oven to 425°F. Boil potato slices for approximately 3-5 minutes before draining to remove excess starch. Pat dry and combine very well with oil, pepper, and salt.

Step 3: Finishing
You have to be sure that the potatoes are dry or else they will turn out a bit mushy wherever there is excess water. Lay out as tightly as possible in a single layer on baking sheets. Place in oven for 15 minutes. When finished, remove from heat and let dry out before serving.

This week's test kitchen ingredient: Jojo's homemade sriracha
I doubt I have to explain sriracha to anyone BUT I have to say I was really excited about getting this batch because it's a homemade, limited release batch. Well, every release that Jojo makes is "limited" because they're all a bit different depending on the season. They only sell these jars in Brooklyn where she's based but luckily for me, my older brother brought some back with him when he was visiting for Chinese New Year. I'm excited to use it!

Let me know what you think I should use it in for a recipe next week - comment on the ingredient picture up later today on Facebook! Also, check THEM out on FB as well.

Photography by Minerva Thai.
