Quips & Anecdotes - Washington DC Trip

The Washington DC eatery reviews are coming! Yep, yep - I made a recent trip to the DC area for a vacation and despite having just about a million places bookmarked on Yelp, I only managed to hit up a few. However, the few were the proud as they delighted my tastebuds overall. I even went to some places that weren't on my list.


So why did I choose DC for my trip? Well, as you may know, I am quite partial to video games and when I heard almost two years ago that the Smithsonian would be having an epic tribute to the 40 years of video games and its artwork, I decided I had to go see it. Of course, life tried to get in the way so I didn't actually get to go until the last month of its exhibition but man oh man was it a great exhibit! I've only included two brief pictures of how awesome it was - I thought they did a fantastic job of capturing the history, concept art, and general feel of video games. What a nostalgic visit.


Of course there were other things I did while in DC. I went to the Museum of Natural History, the National Zoo (the picture's of a Provost's squirrel with crumbs on his whiskers from nomming!), the Eastern Market, the awesome flea market, National Archives, and so much more. There are also a huge slew of DC eatery reviews on their way as we hit up a lot!

My sincerest thanks to my dear friend (whom I met through TF2 - how appropriate for a video game-purposed trip) for putting me up for the weekend. Fun times!
